Friday, September 18, 2009

The Reign of Teridax: Pohatu: Part 1

This story is closely tied in with The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 1

Pohatu was patrolling the shoreline as he thought about the current state of the Matoran Universe. Of all of the Toa Nuva, Pohatu couldn't understand how all of their work to awaken Mata Nui, had been turned against them so drastically
"This still seems like a nightmare, but I can't wake up. I wonder what would've happened if we had known, if we had killed Teridax when we had the chance, if....."
In all of his thoughts, Pohatu did not notice someone was following him. Suddenly, he saw a flash of protosteel and using his mask of speed, he barely dodged the blade that flew past where his heart was. Lariska emerged from the bushes.
"Lariska, its me, Pohatu"
"Thought you were someone else in this dark" Lariska replied
"Sometimes, its hard to tell whose side you're on, even though Axonn said you're on our's"
"It is hard to be trusting these days you know. I could've lost my life if I had come up to you and you were someone or something else"
"I could've lost my life from that dagger!" Pohatu snapped. "I can't believe we're working with former dark hunters"  He thought.
"I'm sorry, I just have instincts" Lariska said.
"Enough, we are on the same team" Tahu's strong voice rang out. "I have located an energized protodermis pool where rahkshi are being created."
When the two Toa and former dark hunter were half-way there, There was a rush of air and Toa Lesovikk came down in front of them. Pohatu had given the Rockoh T3 to Lesovikk because he never was the best pilot and Lesovikk was undoubtedly even better than Lewa.
"I've found an energize..."
"We know, lets form a plan...." Tahu said....

After Pohatu picked up Lariska, they went to the cover of the river and dove deep. Pohatu's adaptive armor switched his jets to a device to filter air from the water for him, but Lariska had to pull out from her pack. Pohatu's back-mounted propellers remained for speed in the water.

Pohatu felt the familiar flow of the purified protodermis river clean him off. While waiting for Tahu, he and Lariska had watched the whole drama and also had taken out a few rahkshi with his stone power. Lariska beheaded one and killed the kraata inside of one rahkshi that ventured too close to their hiding spot. But, they were also in a puddle of mud and it felt good to be clean
"Why am I even thinking about this??" Pohatu thought, angry at himself for focusing on trivial matters when the fate of the Matoran universe was much more important.
Again, his thoughts were interrupted: Lariska pulled him to the side as a single rahkshi dove into the water. Pohatu dispatched it by smashing two fists of stone together on either side of the rahkshi. He then absorbed some stone from the side of the riverbed.
"Powered up" he said in a bubbly voice
"What?" Lariska asked
"Never mind" Pohatu responded in another bubbly voice and swam off
"What's with you Pohatu? you're always the good natured of the group"
Tahu had overheard in the comlink built into the adaptive armor
"This armor always has it's suprises" Pohatu replied.
"That's a little more like your old self"
"It's just hard to work with a dark hunter, knowing that they don't hold the values we stand by."
"I know, but the more you show your emotional hostility to her, how do you think she feels?"
"That is wisdom Tahu, I'll remember that" Pohatu said "but hopefully she doesn't get the ability to read my mind" he muttered under his breath

See The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 1 for the continuing of this


  1. This story was a lot longer than Tahu Modification: Part 1. I'm going to start doing more stories

  2. Pohatu is a bit cranky in this storyline.
